Sunday, April 26, 2020

My Career as an ESL Teacher - A Hypertext Narrative

My Career as an ESL Teacher.

My Career as an ESL Teacher.

A hypertext narrative by

Nicholas Walker

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 304

Choice count: 2

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 13 matches (choice, class, college, exam, games, goal, homework, management, semester, student, students, teacher, teachers)

Archaeology : 7 matches (class, college, here, plan, Re, study, tell)

Sociology : 4 matches (class, goal, homework, management)

Target Structure:

cursory (2 matches)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

time management (2 matches)


My Career as an ESL Teacher.

The beginning of college.

It was the beginning of college. I started thinking about my program. I had to make an important choice.

Choice 1 : Do my homework every week.

Choice 2 : Play more video games.

Ahuntsic College

Do my homework every week.

It was the second week of the semester and my teachers had already begun piling on the homework. After dinner, I gave my English homework a cursory glance and made a snap decision about my time management. I will not put aside my homework, I will do it the night it is assigned, and I will be thorough. This way, I will always be ready, and I can spend more time on homework instead of rushing all of the time. If I have a lot of exams coming up, I will plan which class to study for each day. I will feel confident and have the best chances of pulling off the exam. My goal is to get straight A's all year long.

Write a choice here.

Play more video games.

It was the second week of the semester and my teachers had already begun piling on the homework. After dinner, I gave my English homework a cursory glance and made a snap decision about my time management. Homework can wait. Video games are more fun. If there is something important that I need to do, I am sure my teacher will tell me. The next week, my teacher asked the students in class to share their homework with the person sitting next them. My partner was the most attractive student in class. After my partner shared, I said that I didn’t do my homework. My partner turned to me and said, “You’re a lazy jerk, and I never want to talk to you again.”.

Write a choice here.

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Introduction to My Blog

In this blog you will learn about me and my adventures in my program.